※ Perpetually catastrophizing ※

Info and credit


Hello there, I'm 'Kal' (short for Kaleidiope)
I'm just a creature who makes a lot of things and will sometimes post what I deem worthy enough to see the light of day.

I go by any pronouns and refuse to disclose too much identifying info for personal reasons.
All you need to know is I'm a living being with thoughts, feelings, and something one could call a 'life' if they blur the meaning a bit.

I don't wish to be known as anything more than a weird creature on the interwebs who creates. But please don't see me as a 'content creator', rather a simple hobbyist who does things they find fun until they aren't.

If a mere introduction isn't satisfying enough, you can get to know me better - and get some possible questions answered - here!

Site resource credit

Thank-you to 'Sadgrl.online' and 'TheSiteWizard' for this site's base-code and its many features! And a large thank-you to 'w3schools.com' for coding help, as well as 'htmlcheatsheet.com', 'wtools.io', random, friendly inter-web strangers and old form posts.

That little ghost pal you see (I call him Herald) is from 'cursors-4u.com'.
He was meant to be a temporary place-holder until I made my own cursor, but the lil' fella's grown on me and I can't replace him!
I believe him to be made by 'bleeding love'?

The font that's used is 'Cadman'. And as someone who is (highly) likely dyslexic, I find this to be one of the easiest fonts to read.

Background tiles and images are made by me! :D (unless stated otherwise)

If you're curious as to why I made this site, you can have a peek at my 'site objective' here!

Site troubleshooting

Having an issue with the site? Its features being wonky or simply displaying incorrectly? Here's some things to try!

Everything looks too small/big!

This site is best viewed when zoom is set between the 50% and 150% range. (and isn't the prettiest on screens under a width of 400px)

Everything's looking weird, wonky and/or muddled scaling-wise!

This could be a responsiveness issue. I am working towards making this site useable/viewable for the majority of modern-day devices and browsers, but it will always be best viewed on desktop.

Images aren't loading/links aren't working!

There'se a good chance I might have messed up my code! And if that's the case, please reach out and inform me about it if you can!
Though it might be worth giving the page a quick refresh first, just to see if it helps any? Always best to start with simple fixes first ^^

No header or sidebars?

This site uses JavaScript to display many of its features - like its header - so please make sure you're using a browser that supports it, and that it's enabled/allowed. Or use the site-map to help navigate the links those elements display.

Things look clashy/simply not right!

It might be worth giving your cache a quick sweep - or alternatively (for windows) - pressing the 'Ctrl' and 'F5' keys at the same time to force-reload the current page(s) you're on. If you're like me, you may have to additionally press the 'Fn' key (located right beside 'Ctrl') As this site - or even your browser of choice - might be holding onto old files. So if the eye-assault is due to things not updating properly, either option should do the trick ^^
It's also worth noting that I use the night-light setting on my PC, which does alter colors a small bit on my side. So if things aren't being clashy, but rather too bright/saturated, this could be why. And I apologize for any issues or discomfort it may bring :(

Issue not covered? Nothing mentioned helped? Found a spelling error or broken link? Contact me about it below!
*Please note I'm very bad at replying in timely manners, but don't let my shortcomings deter you from reaching out! (Allow for seven-to-ten thousand business days)

Contact me by E-mail!